Lifestyle Fashion

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infections – You Won’t Worry About That Embarrassing Smell Anymore

Yeast infection can cause discomfort, itching, immediate daily soreness, uncomfortable and even painful intercourse, and ultimately predisposes you to vaginal infections. According to experts, if you want to get rid of yeast infection for good, go for an antifungal program. Follow these measures and you will never suffer from yeast infection again.

Reduce refined carbohydrates – Bread and most carbohydrates contain yeast. If you really must eat bread or don’t have the willpower to avoid it, just toast it. Toasting the bread kills the yeast. Eliminating sugary and sweet things can also help. It feeds on Candida sugar. Removing sugar from your diet will kill the fungus and eventually kill it off. Foods to avoid are cakes, cookies, and even fruits like grapes, bananas, and apples.

Take Nutritional Supplements and Extracts – Grapefruit seed extract, cranberry juice or tablets, and garlic extracts are enemies of yeast. Garlic can be taken in the form of tablets, capsules, and powder, but a whole clove of garlic can also be inserted into the vagina to clear up the infection. Do this every few hours until the itching is gone.

look what you wear Candida thrives in a moist, humid environment that is also a breeding ground for bacteria. Wearing loose cotton underwear is better than wearing tight briefs made of synthetic materials. Cotton lets your skin breathe. Avoid wearing thongs as these can irritate and cause friction in the affected area. Also, it is better to use sanitary pads made of organic material than to use tampons.

Drink more water – Drinking 8 or more glasses of water makes you urinate more often. The process of urinating helps you get rid of excess sugar in the body. As you may already know, yeast feeds on sugar. Drinking water not only flushes out excess sugar, but also removes other toxins from the body.

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