
Natural insect repellants

As a devoted camper and nature lover, I don’t want to be in constant fear of ticks or other bites that can carry diseases like West Nile virus. We all just want to enjoy late summer and fall outdoor gatherings, camping, hiking, and hunting without biting insects.

By the time I was done with those pesky bugs that ruined my vacation every year, I tried all kinds of methods to get rid of bug bites. Since then I discovered a lot of effective natural ways and in some stores I bought repellants that really worked for me and ultimately saved my vacation. If you are out of sight with this pesky pest, take a few minutes to read these tips for getting rid of bug bites.

Natural insect repellants:

Homemade insect repellants are very effective and can be made cheaply and naturally at home. I have been using these self-made alternatives consistently for many years and have tested them in many different countries. Below are the few natural repellants that I found that worked best for me:

1) essential oil

You will need 10 to 25 drops of essential oil, witch hazel, and distilled or boiled water.

1) Fill a pitcher halfway with distilled or boiled water

2) Add a few drops of witch hazel oil

3) Add 10 to 25 drops of essential oil of your choice (the more oil you use, the stronger the spray will be). I prefer rosemary oil, lavender oil, citronella, cloves, and peppermint oil. It works efficiently and smells good too!

4) After that, you will need to add a tablespoon of aloe vera and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Blend the ingredients and pour the mixture into an open glass.

5) Apply a few drops of the content to your pulse points to deter insects when you are outdoors. Reapply as needed.

This preparation is suitable for adults and it is convenient to know the contraindications of each essential oil. It worked very effectively for me against ticks, mosquitoes, and biting flies.

2) Fresh or dried herbs

Again you will need distilled or boiled water, witch hazel, and herbs (lavender, citronella, cloves, peppermint, lemongrass)

1) Fill a jug with distilled or boiled water

2) Add 3-5 tablespoons of fresh or dried herbs in any combination. I usually use lavender, citronella, and a little peppermint herb.

3) Stir the mixture well, cover it and let it cool

4) Add 5 tablespoons of witch hazel oil

5) Remove the herbs and apply the mixture on your skin as needed.

It is working very effectively and is also refreshing for the skin. It has a very delicious smell! It used to work on ticks and mosquitoes for me.

3) vinegar

The vinegar mixture is a super strong and effective insect repellent. However, it works incredibly well, and this is the one I use when I go camping in the woods or in tick-infested areas.

You will need apple cider vinegar, 5 tablespoons of rosemary, lavender, thyme, and mint, and a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

1) Put the vinegar and dried herbs in a glass jar with a tight lid

2) Mix or shake the mixture every day for at least 2 weeks

3) Remove the herbs and store the mixture preferably in the refrigerator.

4) Before use dilute it by half with water

5) Only use it if you need radical bug control.

Warning: this mixture has a strong smell when wet but it is working wonders. After being applied it loses its strong odor. It worked for me on any bug!

Store-bought repellants

If you don’t have the right resources for homemade repellants or if you prefer to buy insect repellent from the store, then you need to make sure you get one of the most effective ones. Below are my favorite repellants that I tried on different camping trips around the world:

3M Ultrathon

Many experts recommend this type of repellent. It is especially good at repelling insects in very humid and wooded areas. It is also very effective for long-term use and has been shown to repel insects for up to 12 hours. One of the reasons 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent is so effective is because it contains DEET. DEET is a type of yellow oil that is found in most insect repellants found in stores. Some people claim that the active is dangerous and that it would cause skin damage and rashes. As I am not an expert in this field, I just want to share my experience with this product. Ultrathon performed very well in humid and wet conditions in Indonesia and Taiwan. It didn’t smell as bad as other products and I only apply it twice a day (in the morning and before I go gambling). I haven’t been bitten once!

Bite Blocker Organic Extreme

As a good alternative to 3M Ultrathon that does not contain DEET, I was very impressed by Bite Blocker Extreme. I was using it during my camping holidays and I was not bitten by mosquitoes or ticks (mainly in the forest and in the sea). This repellent is not only very effective, but it is safe because it only contains ingredients of plant origin. It can repel insects for up to 3.5 hours. You will need to reapply the spray frequently. It smells a little bit for my taste.

How to apply insect repellent:

Insect repellent is any type of substance designed to repel insects. All you have to do is apply it directly to exposed skin and clothing. Avoid applying repellent to cuts or skin abrasions. You should make sure to wash your skin as soon as you return indoors. Regardless, if you have not yet used essential oil products on your skin, do a skin patch test before use and it is recommended to speak with your healthcare professional before using it as an insect repellent.

Safety concerns!

Repellent can be used by pregnant women because there is no evidence to suggest it can harm the mother or the baby. The safest types of repellants for pregnant women are natural repellants and repellants that contain DEET. Children can use insect repellent, but parents should avoid putting it on their hands because children often put their hands in their mouths. The repellent should also not be used around the mouth or hands.

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