Digital Marketing

Problem definition strategies

Why is it important to learn problem solving skills? Because we all have problems that need solutions.

Whether you are a young woman, an old man, a doctor or a businessman, you face problems every day. A problem may be achieving a goal, giving up an addiction, being successful at work, or choosing food for lunch. Whether big or small, if it were to remain an unresolved problem, it would become a persistent source of stress. On the contrary, solving each problem makes us stronger and more optimistic.

The most important step of all is to define a problem. Defining the problem plays a vital role in problem solving because different definitions lead to different attitudes. Einstein said: If he had one hour to save the world, he would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution.

There are four strategies for a well-defined problem.

1. See every problem as an opportunity.

A problem is an opportunity for growth, because your potentials are awakened by problems.

When you change your attitude and see the problem as an opportunity; situation becomes more exciting and enjoyable and your enthusiasm increases. In this state solutions are seen more quickly and clearly.

2. Chop

Break the problem into smaller parts. Fragmentation gives you a pragmatic view on it. In fact, with this attitude the problem becomes manageable pieces. These questions can help you break down:

What are the underlying causes of it?

What are the key pieces of it?

Why did that happen?

What happened with…?

3. Chop

Look at the full image. Slicing gives you a helicopter view of your problem. Chopping means; Put the problem in a specific category. Labeling is a kind of fragmentation. When you tag the problem and put it in the particular category, you can easily find experienced solutions.

These questions can help you break down:

What does this mean?

Let’s look at the big picture…

How does that relate to…?

What are we trying to achieve here?

For whom is this? What do they really want?

How does this relate to that?

4. Third perspective

Denial is an important psychological cover for seeing all sides of a problem. Looking at the problem and at yourself from a third perspective without judgment can eliminate denial. Observing without judging gives you a lot of information about the problem, about yourself, and about the relationship between you and the problem.

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