
Understand your stress levels

To better understand stress, it’s a good idea to understand that there are different levels of stress. These levels vary in the form of stress they take and can often provide an indication of how to deal with stress. In addition, there are tests available that can help people understand their own particular type of stress, and with this knowledge, they can also better understand themselves. Then, with this information, a complete stress management method can be built. Therefore, when examining your own stress, be aware of these stress levels so that you can face yourself and learn the proper methods to keep your mind balanced.

These stress levels were found and characterized by Dr. Hans Selye and Dr. Richard Earle of the Canadian Institute of Stress. Therefore, the names and types are theirs.

Type 1 – The Speed ​​Monster

This level of stress is characterized by an incessant need to be giving 110% at all times. They tend to be perfectionists, tend to talk fast and are very impatient. In general, Speed ​​Freaks have learned that you need to work hard to be successful, so they realize that if they work hard all the time, they will surely succeed. This, of course, is not necessarily the case, as sprinting all the time will only lead to stress over minor issues.

Speed ​​Freaks need to learn to relax, and they need to get their goals straight so they can work hard on the things that really matter, while relaxing while working on more mundane tasks. By doing this, they can catch up when they need to push themselves and conserve energy the rest of the time.

Type 2: the wart of concern

The Worry Wart stress level is characterized by the inability to stop thoughts, but also the inability to put thoughts into action. They tend to overanalyze things to the point of paralyzing themselves. Therefore, they just end up spinning their wheels as they get nowhere. True to their name, Worry Warts tend to spend a lot of time worrying and this only leaves them even more powerless to act.

Worried Warts need to think very specifically about the problems they are facing, write down everything possible that can go wrong, and then think about the likelihood of these events occurring. So, once everything is treated with a philosophical distance, the worry will subside and the Wart of Worry will be able to move towards its targets.

Type 3 – The Wanderer

Tramps are people who keep so many options open that they are unable to develop skills in depth. Instead of focusing their energies on specific life goals, they end up putting effort into a variety of tasks with none of them actually getting done. Thus, their hours are spent productively, but their hours rarely produce anything concrete. In effect, they create a paradox of complete freedom in which they are trapped by their own inability to use that freedom effectively.

Homeless people need to clarify their life goals, focus on things that make them feel worthwhile, and try to build a life that is open to more than just work. Then, once they have a place to direct their efforts, they can get rid of all the excess nonsense they surround themselves with.

Type 4 – The Loner

This level of stress is recognizable by the fact that loners are unable to create meaningful relationships with others. This is because they usually work alone, so they don’t get much feedback from others. Therefore, instead of building relationships that can help them, they tend to get into a shell and keep other people out of it. Thus, by avoiding sharing experiences with others, they become unable to discover what they enjoy and who they enjoy doing it with.

Loners should try to clarify their own values ​​and then work to build relationships with people who share those values, which in turn gives Loners a way to move toward their goals. This will give them both a purpose and a support structure that can help them succeed in that purpose.

Type 5 – Basket Boxes

This level of stress is very dangerous, as the Basket Cases are creating their own energy crises. Instead of taking care of themselves, they tend to be sore, depressed, and often decide that activities are simply too much effort. They often have health problems and their own discomfort and depression makes it difficult to do anything about it.

Basket Cases needs to start eating right to start the healing process. Then after a few weeks they should start exercising. Then, once they have a little more energy, they should learn to conserve energy by taking breaks during work and not overexerting themselves.

Type 6 – Cliff Walkers

Cliff Walkers are people who are at risk of destroying their health. They tend to look worn, often smoke, eat poorly, drink too much, and rarely exercise. However, they usually think that nothing bad will ever come of their bad habits, so they cause even more damage themselves. Therefore, they tend to have trouble maintaining their energy.

The treatment for Cliff Walkers is the same as for Basket Cases. Eat right, then start an exercise program, then learn to conserve energy so you don’t constantly burn out.

By understanding stress levels, people can not only learn more about themselves, they can also learn how to be successful. So once a person’s particular type of stress is dealt with correctly, the same parts of the personality that were once a burden can become a blessing. Therefore, learning about stress levels can help people achieve their goals.

Copyright 2005 Trevor Dumbleton

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