How to enlarge the penis with maca

Maca is a unique supplement that has been helping men enlarge their penises for a long time, and if you are tired of trying product after product with little to no results, then this is the product for you. Maca gives you an easy, safe and natural way to increase the girth and length of your penis for very little […]

it’s not me

There is a very particular risk inherent in the creative process: when you make the journey inward, you discover that you are not who you think you are, or that you are further of what you think you are. But sometimes these images reflected through inner mirrors are so foreign to our ego that they make us run. The trick […]

Cosmetic History – Milestones of the Last Century

The discovery of the art of photography and film, in particular, provided the impetus for a surge in cosmetics. As viewers saw images of famous people with flawless complexions and strong sex appeal, a woman’s beauty standards began to change. Cosmetics have become a means to beautify the physical appearance. During the 1920s, cosmetic history increased rapidly. Between the years […]

How to stay healthy after retirement

Some time ago, I wrote that the top three things retirees care about most are wealth, health, and relationships. Personally speaking, I think that wealth, or running out of money, ranks first in the minds of retired seniors and health is a close second. Part of the reason is that advances in health care and changes in attitude have made […]

"When will you find love?"

So many clients who are single and longing ask the age old question: “When will I find love?” In fact, it’s a good astrological question, and it can be seen in Western astrology by many different patterns. Let’s see some of them. Of course, the most obvious element to focus on is Venus, the planet of love. (For “advanced,” think […]

Intelligent Life: The Big Question: What was the best time and place to be alive?

If you could travel in time, what would be your destination? Historian Patrick Dillon and other writers provide the answers. (Economist, October 29, 2011, Intelligent Life, p. 4). Edward Gibbon, author of: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” (1776-89), doubtless thought that “If a man were called upon to fix the period… during which the condition of the […]